Elevate your life

In a universe of attractive and truly SMART options, the present generation is made up for direct, intuitive and intelligent access to the spiritual and social activities of the Church.

The Church is meant to be the promoter of progress on all levels; therefore, since the use of biblical verses in the Christian communication of the eighties, current Christian Communication and Marketing finds a new commitment towards the hurried, but thirsty for self-knowledge and self-recovery new generation.

Intuitive messages, with a lot of marketing flair and even humorous substrate, are part of the Christian institutions’ “must-have” and indicate that besides grandparents, the message of the Church is vibrant also for the younger generations.

You can find some examples of effective communication with nowadays audience below, and we wish you that regardless of the Church you are part of, to succeed in adopting the most appropriate message for people who are under the assault of various campaigns of oneself rediscovery and renewal.

  • The producers of a TV documentary asked international ad agency Fallon “to come up with a campaign to reignite interest in the Church of England”[1]. So Fallon has created a series of black and white ads with messages like:  “Church. It isn’t as churchy as you think.”; “Why go to India to find yourself? You might be just round the corner.”
  • Since 2014, the Brooklin Roman Catholic Diocese has been standing out with digital presence and street advertisements that are highly targeted to the general audience and supported by viable programs. The argument for the vision rethinking of such a traditional church is the increased attendance at masses and spreading the Word to the new generation. As a result, this campaign “achieved over 2.6 million media impressions, returning $1.6 million of earned media to the Diocese”  –  reviving the image of the Church in the New York metropolitan area.
  • Eternity Communication, an active company in the niche of communication and advertising services for churches and Christian foundations, has been adhering to media support activities that will have the best influence upon the lives of the others. Its portfolio includes intuitive Christian book covers, newsletters, Eternity Wear [3] clothes’ ranges with inspirational messages, suggestive websites, advertising spots, and more.

Regarding the impact of the message aimed at persons who are totally strangers to the Church, outdoor billboards are “some of the most effective media ads” according to their own research; furthermore, the creation of intuitive posters, like the Attract.Connect. Grow. Serves series are among the most useful supports for Church attendants and who can engage in Christian activities organized by the church.

  • Truth Advertising emphasized itself by the (re)thinking of postcards/posters which create an impact among the younger generation, encouraged to come “as they are” into the arms of God. These materials can be purchased and personalized by any church-customer.
  • The Adventist Church, well-known for many medical initiatives, has also appealed to an increasingly modern advertising presence in the Western countries. The case of its Fight Club Foundation  –  which provides active support for cancer patients  –  is representative. In addition to this, depending on the specifics of several countries, the Adventist Church developed Scripture reading programs and campaigns for elevated lifestyle, depending on the audience to whom the message has been directed  –  see the Sola Sola Scriptura campaign in Romania.
  • The Baptist Church has also directed its advertising message to an audience with an unlimited capacity to do good – the example of California Baptist University. Other campaigns to promote family life were also supported by very insightful ads.
  • The Metodist Church Communication Agency, based on a poster designed for the Facebook generation, brings solid arguments about the usefulness of Church communication and presence on online social networks[4].

The best-thought ads have the unequivocal ability to urge many souls to personal commitment to God.

The same Agency has also promoted since 2001 the Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors campaign, supported by a very modern advertising billboard.

  • In the case of volumetric signs and panels, the challenge is to transmit a strong and effective message through a short text. However some have even succeeded![5]
  • Other messages, banners and Christian posters with visual and cognitive impact can be seen below:

There is a large range of ingenious advertising options for street, online, and Christian community communication. Some messages can unequivocally support social activities or political initiatives that provide practical and moral ground for their communities.

Encourage your church to get involved wherever is needed, with the appropriate means!

PS: Have you surprised a modern and insightful Christian message? Share it with Pro Jesus community! We are only soul and eyes 🙂

[1] Hendricks D. K., “Church Advertising in the UK”, Churchmarketingsucks.com, 15.09.2005
[3] See: https://www.zazzle.com/store/eternitywear
[4] See: http://www.umcom.org/learn/should-your-church-advertise-on-facebook-part-one
[5] https://www.demars-signs.com/church-and-religious-signs/

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